Look up the world

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Some early pics from today's visit to ROTW in Hitchin.
I'm just opening up my little corner of the world in Google+ so bear with.......

Sunday, 8 July 2012

8th July

8th July and it's raining. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

To see the latest photographic content - go to Flickr

I'm going to have to get slicker at blog posts. Writing once a month leaves me posting a "round robin" type letter that you get at christmas telling you that young Timothy got a 1st at Oxbridge, which was nice (etc).
Blog early and blog often. We'll see

So here's this month's round robin/rant
It has been raining lots. Not every day and not all the time, but often enough to not bother planning to do anything out-doors - though I have splashed out on a fancy new gas bbq, just in case.

Among he obvious high points from the last month have been seeing the Olympic Torch breeze through Norfolk. As I write I'm watching an old geezer carry the torch in Huntingdon en route to Letch/Nidge and Luton. DG and I were treated to supper at Morston Hall last week - an amazing eatery serving food you usually can only dream of.
Watching Rosie sing in the school talent show on Friday was a heart stopping moment. She was great. I sneaked out after her performance but apparently some of the other children were very good too.
We've also been to The Royal Norfolk show - an excellent day out, a beer festival in Haisborough - well worth the visit, seen the occasional sunset down at our beach hut and managed the odd swim in the sea!

Granny came over for Sunday lunch the other day. She is going through her usual highs and lows. As long as she is sensible about what she eats, she should avoid getting the occasional awful chest infections. She is always desperate to be out side and always desperate for visitors - no change there then. I do feel under pressure to visit her though DG Graham and Billy all tell me to only go when it suits. Saying that, I plan to go this morning as the Potty Festival is on in Sheringham (Morris dancing (not me - never confused)) and then pick Rosie up from Brownie camp.

I have been having a lot of trouble with my stupid back. A 3rd professional has now told me to stop running around so I think I can retire from competitive sport that requires training shoes!
Magic Darts