Look up the world

Monday, 3 March 2014

3rd March 2014

Well I am now 50 something.
Not sure how you are supposed to feel - older? grown-up? decrepit? To be honest, there's not a lot different to a few weeks ago. Nothing dramatically falls off, nothing suddenly stops working.
The weirdest thought I have is that I remember a few years back, when a friend retired on his 50th birthday, I thought I'd do exactly the same - he seemed old and ready for a life of leisurely luxury but I can't really imagine not getting up and "going" to work. I certainly don't have the sense of being too old to be doing what I do or (more importantly) simply couldn't afford to give it all up, for a few years anyhow.
Don't get me wrong, I'd far rather spend my days doing exactly what I want - I'm in the right place for that - but it would be daft to give up my job, only to have to go and do something else to help make ends meet. People I talk to on a day to day basis all tell me what a great job I have (and by and by that's true) but I always have to tell them that it's all right as long as I accept I will not be making the Times Rich List!
There may be something niggling away subconsciously that has made me more determined (well more determined in my not too ambitious way) to ramp up the fitness regime - or the less lazy regime, since my birthday. I am feeling particularly wary just now having done a good couple of runs and rides in the last few days. But with a stiff work out on the 5-a-side pitch every week, a tricky 5km run on a Saturday morning and a shiny new pair of wheels to help guide me towards July's 120 mile ride, I'm hoping to start feeling the benefit of all this activity. The pain v gain balancing act is very much favouring the pain side of things just now though.
And all this exercise makes a chap thirsty. Thanks to the generosity of all the lovely people that came to my birthday party, I am drinking my way towards the shallow end of my shed. I can reflect back on that evening with great happiness - an evening not to be forgotten. In some ways a rather unremarkable evening - not too drunken, not too loud or too long - but to have the house full of happy chitter chatter of friends old and new and family old and new - even having both parents there! - t'was a great way for me to mark the start of my 50th year.
