Every where you go, take the weather with you. September was noted for its dryness, but as soon as October kicked in its been pishing down.
Last post in August? 2 months have rumbled by.
I have been overwhelmed by my work. Things just seem to get busier and busier. Not sure I whole heartedly approve of that. if it was across the board and a fair spread then there'd be little to complain about, but it appears that my broad shoulders are being disproportionately weighed down. I guess the alternative would be to run out of things to measure and I'd be worrying about job security. Don't get me started on pay though ( I have written to Danny Alexander approx 20 times without reply)
Local highlights? Shezza 40s weekend was wonderful as ever. The way the town goes for it always amazes me - highly recommended. Barn Cottage's harvest has seen a bounty of fruit. Still picking raspberries and I am having a go at cider with the mass of apples this year. September also saw the return of Marks band The Last Great Dreamers, in Camden.
Rosie celebrated her birthday with a film night. A modest little evening with a few of the girls from the junior school days. She has thoroughly enjoyed her start to high school life and looks forwards to getting in the taxi every morning. It is a big relief to us that she has settled so well.
Jen is working her way into her last couple of terms of schooling as she prepares for her A levels and on to Uni this time next year. Her grades so far have been excellent and the world is her oyster. Not sure how she finds time to study with all her social activity and jobs she does.
DG is slowly but surely making her way up through the chain of command at her school. I'm sure it won't be too long before she'll be queen of all education in Norfolk. Or maybe not if it gets in the way of her running. It really is quite remarkable how many miles she gets through in a month.
And what about Mother? I'm going down the "being honest with her" route at the moment. I' m finding it harder to continually jump when she says jump. The 3-4 visits a week are tough. She says she understands that it must be difficult for me to be there for her all the while, then she reals off a list of requirements. Some of the medication she's on for pain relief knocks her sideways, very sleepy. We took her to our new beach hut on Friday. She loved it, but her insistence on tucking into a large portion of scampi and chips made her choke quite worryingly. The staff at her home are doing their best but I just wish there was a way to make things so much better for her.
Could go on about Nodge romping away with the Championship (if it were true) and me smashing my PB at Shezza Parkrun (not at all true) but I'll save that for another post.