Look up the world

Sunday, 9 November 2014

9th November 2014

Excuse me while I screeeeeeeeem


That's better.

To explain, I've just been on a shopping trip with my poor old mum (and DG and Rosie).
Not my favourite thing to do and technically it went ok. However, as usual with mum it wasn't enough. She wanted coffee at a cafe, drinks at a pub, chips, etc etc . I know all she really wants is time. Our time. 
I feel I give a lot to her, despite 3 full on years of demand, but it can't be, won't be enough for her. And that makes me feel terrible. I'm in a no win situation with her. I'm not really looking for answers either as whatever can be done for her, probably has. I know I'm in the firing line and have to take it.
Having said that, I am able to just walk away, while she is unable to do virtually anything without someone's help along the way. 

Now the sun has made its first appearance of the day, rememberence Sunday where appropriately you give thought to those who have made the ultimate sufferance and sacrifice. I shall go out on my bike and think of those brave souls and tell myself how fortunate I really am
And maybe have a pint or two