An X-ray a or two and 4 1/2 hrs later I was on my way back home feeling a bit sorry for myself but pleased it was "just a bump" but warned that it could take 6 weeks to recover as it was likely to be damaged tendons.
So I took a few days off - I was on leave from work anyhow so no problem. After a week I was still struggling so I trundled off to the docs for a further assessment. She signed me off for two weeks but was happy for me to do "light duties" i.e. sitting at home tinkering with a mouse and keyboard, pouring over planning applications and aerial photographs. All well and good but, by eck my arm was still really achy.
Another trip to the surgery for a consultation and it was decided that I'd need an MRI or an ultrasound scan to see what was really going on. But don't even think about working at all for the next two weeks!
I was hoping to be scanned within a few days of my doctor firing off the request but I am still waiting.
On my most recent trip to the Aldborough Practice, my doc decides that enough is enough. She has diagnosed a rotator cuff tendon injury, signed me off work for the whole of October, tried to get an early appointment with a specialist and confirmed a scan date for next week.
I'm guessing that, hopefully, the scan will confirm her diagnosis and I will get to see a surgeon before too long. My arm constantly feels as if it has just taken a hefty thump. By night I really struggle to get comfy and spend a few hours each evening/early morning listening to rubbish radio and communing with the wider world through the power of the internet. I've never spent more time away from work in my adult life. I can't help but feel guilty as I am not ill in the truest sense and my injury seemed so innocuous, but then I get a shooting pain across my shoulder and stifle a yelp.
I guess I can call it a career break but that is of little comfort to my soreness and more importantly of no use to the boys and girls having to cover my work. The work is being done without question and without judgement which is brilliant to know. It's just the way I'd have done it in a reverse situation - take up the baton etc.
Trouble is, I have no idea when I will be back on the team. I've been spending my days (the weather has been fantastic to date) walking the highways and byways of North Norfolk and trying (and failing) to catch up on missed sleep. I've not been able to go running, biking, fishing or swimming - all my favourite things to do when the weather is good enough. Can't see me playing football again for a long long time either.
I'm expecting the next few weeks to be a mixture of highs and lows but above all I want things sorted so as I can have a good nights sleep again.