My shoulder injury continues to consume my thoughts and my time and my patience though as I write I am at a very important part of the story.
I have been offered an operation to rectify things though that may not be till the end of Feb or maybe March or maybe not even then if the bed space gets critical and ops are pulled. The potential for this would mean not being able to do my job till late April - getting on for nine months since the injury happened on the playing fields of Gresham. How can this be? Well, in my mind it's simply a case of massive underfunding of a Public Health Service. I don't/can't blame the medics, doctors or nurses I've seen to date. Their hands are tied, their funding is negledgeable for the tasks they are expected to perform and they are in an invidious position to offer anything better.
This week I'm tasked to explore every possible avenue to expedite things. I've learnt to live with my incapacity rather well I think - to the point where, by day, I seem to be able to get on with day to day tasks, albeit in a spot of discomfort and not taking on anything too testing, but I still find the night time very uncomfortable. My fancy new fitness tracking device told me that in my sleep last night, I woke up 15 times. That can't be good.
While I've never been a renowned sleeper - I genuinely can't remember the last time I was still asleep past 7:30am - I am looking forwards to returning to comfortable nights sleeps again.
There maybe some more positive outcome news in the next few days, but that's down to me and a little help from my friends.