Look up the world

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

March 22 2016

Springtime in Norfolk. Lots to look forwards to (at last). Been back in the saddle for a few weeks now, long enough to relearn synicism about work (and moan about how much there is to do, how little I get paid, how rubbish some things are etc etc). I've never had a problem with hard work - or at least hitting targets and high demands. I play a juggling game with getting everything done without compromising home life. That usually means very early starts and late finishes but with plenty of me time in the middle. Work is particularly busy though I am not out of the dodgy shoulder woods yet. I am still under professional advice to "take things easy" but, to be fair, I am able to do most things now - with a few adjustments. I am back Parkrunning and have even started out on the bike again. That will ramp up with this weekend's hour change. March has been a continually cold month. With a predictably wet Easter holiday to come and go soon, I reckon I can start setting myself bigger targets for biking longer and further. Not that I am wishing time away. Really looking forwards to a long weekend at home with the girls. No proper football to watch and Jenny is working lots but it will be the 4 of us on our own for most of the time. Had a wonderful houseful last weekend with racing and rugby to the fore so it is important that I put the girls 1st for a while. Then there's the big build up to DGs London Marathon. Can't begin to tell everyone just how proud, amazed, impressed with how she has done as she trains towards the big day. I'll write more when she comes home with her well earned medal.