Jan 25th saw me pass my 48th birthday. A fairly unremarkable feat on a fairly unremarkable day. January birthdays are rubbish. It's cold, it's dark and no-one has any money. Billy's birthday was far more exciting. He's now 50 and behaving disgracefully for it.
Having said that, we had a Thai feast at Dad's house on Friday night - some great flavours!

Today has been all about my parents. Dad needed me to take him up to the N&N hospital for an appointment as follow up to last years radiotherapy. There was potential for some bad news but the Dr's seem to think his condition is "manageable" with a bit more zapping and medication. Relief all round, though not out of the woods by a long chalk. He's a tough old bugger though.
Mum just wanted visiting. Despite being absolutely whacked (me that is), she seemed to think it was very necessary for me to visit! Poor old girl - it is starting to dawn on her that moving yourself 120 miles from where all your friends are may not have been the best move, but, hey-ho, she/we will have to do our best. Her health is ok and my patience is holding out.
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