It's a choice that raises its head every few years for us but more recently I've seen it preoccupy several others who are having to make that choice right now.
What makes the absolute choice of where's best to live becomes quite difficult as it is very easy to make the case for and against either.
Putting my country hat on, today was a great example of why it's a no-brainer to live out in the sticks. A simple bike ride on country lanes. Rode for about 45 mins, saw 1 car. Also saw a beautiful barn owl fly alongside me for a few seconds carrying its prey, seemingly winking at me as it diverted away.
What I didn't ride past though was any shop, pub, cafe, takeaway outlet etc. While that could be seen as a + it also means that you have to go that bit further just to make the ride/walk/run more sociable.
In the country you can go for months without seeing or hearing a police car. But is that because nothing happens? Supremely quiet nights and proper dark skies are a thing of beauty but the buzz of a town going about its business has more soul to it.
Some small villages become quite incestuous where everyone knows everyone. You can't do anything without everyone knowing about it. Where we live now you can be fairly anonymous if you choose - but that's the same as it is in towns and cities right?
I have to admit I'd love to be able to walk to the local pub, pop to the shops, nip to the station and (best of all) walk to the beach. All that is on offer not far from here - but I know that I'd miss the peace and quiet, the space, the skies and the pleasure living in the countryside gives me/us just now.
I guess if money were no object I'd have a foot in both camps but they may just confuse me even more.