2023 speeding past. Can't believe its mid April already.
So what's been going on since January?
Globally - still a needless war going on in Ukraine. Be interesting to hear from Bessingham's Ukrainian family, how their Easter trip to Kiev has gone and if they have any thoughts on going back.
Covid is barely mentioned anymore though I managed to test positive about 3 weeks ago. Had a stinky cold for a few days that keeps rearing its head, but I don't feel too bad.
Dear old Norwich are doing their best to avoid getting into the playoffs despite all the teams around them doing the same. I think it would be awful now if they were to get to play off final and promotion. It would be a bigger car crash than the previous 2 seasons in the Prem
Feb/March were difficult months in that winter seemed to drag. Endless cold dark days, lots of rain - no snow though. Great to have Rosie home for Easter and we had a lovely day with the girls in London earlier in March. DG and jenny have just come back from a Caribbean cruise with Chris and then Jen went off to run Manchester Marathon in about 4:30.
My biggest change is that I've decided to commit to something after all. I've taken on a part time job at Forever Green, helping produce flowers for local florists and delivering to the good people of North Norfolk.
Other than Covid, health wise, keeping fingers crossed that all is well. The job will test knee. ankle and back but it will be good to earn a few quid again and the fresh air and sunshine will be welcome.
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